It's Saturday. We've had a week full of playgrounds and walks, the weather was finally cool enough to hang outside. Today we just did a quick lap around the neighborhood and for the first part Olivia rode on John's old toddler scooter. I went from having a son that was a ham for the camera to a daughter you spontaneously breaks out into song and dance for complete strangers but refuses to look at the camera. It's not that she looks at me and doesn't smile. She runs away, turns her body, and always screams/growls at me "No!". It is rare that she is excited when she sees the camera point towards her or the iphone tilt in her direction. Along our route there is a house with a fence covered in Honeysuckle. My favorite part of summer as a kid. I spent the first few years of my life in the city with no grass. Just a driveway outback and an astroturf covered front porch. To explain to those not familiar with the sections of Philadelphia, I grew up in Olney. It was a nicer part of the city until the beginning of the 90's. There are still beautiful older homes but it hasn't been revamped like other parts of the city. Anyway the back of our apartment had a driverway so all the occupants could get to their own driveways. We were near the corner where there were two alley ways that took you out to the front of the streets. Along that alley way was the back of a building. It's wall was covered with Honeysuckle. So one of my favorite memories of summer is that smell. My dad taught me how you pick them and pull the little string in the flower through the bottom and it would drop the tiniest drop of nectar on your tongue. In my child mind it must have been one of those moments where I really bonded with my dad. I'll never forget it, it left such a deep imprint on my mind and soul. I will forever be a summer girl. Since we moved into this house when John was 3, I have, every single summer, stopped multiple times and made sure we hung out and talked and took pictures and ate as many as we could before he got bored and wanted to ride or scooter again. Today was one of those days it was a little hot but an enjoyable walk. Olivia was again not feeling photogenic but it made of some adorable shots of her "being angry" at me. Even her angry face is too cute and makes me laugh.

One of my favorite photos. John was flying passed her and she screamed. Can't believe I got the shot.
Her usual camera induced grumpiness but let's appreciate her curly hair for a minute.
After I saw your mom's comment on Facebook, I clicked through and read this. Very enjoyable, and very cute photos :-)