Philly has literally frozen over. The wind hits you in the face the second you step out your door and steals your breath away! The last couple of days have been so busy. Even with the kids having "snow days" things seem to have been hectic. Olivia had her first school field trip and it was a success. While I froze my toes off on the bus ride she sat with her friends and chatted. Today she went to school and celebrated her birthday with her classmates and shared some munchkins. She was so excited. While she was at school my son John ran errands with me since his school closed for the day due to the frigid temps. We got all our party supplies and food for Olivia's 4th birthday party tomorrow. Were celebrating with just our immediate family but with all the nieces and nephews here the house fills up quickly. I'll share pics from the party when things slow down. Here are some pictures from a recent snow day and one day where it was an acceptable temparture to be outside.

This girl finally got to ride her Christmas present from Mommom and Poppop
Boys! This is what happens when you ride on the sidewalk through melted snow and dirt! Don't worry I got it out in the wash.
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