With May being such a lackluster month I really pushed myself in June. It helped that I had a 5 book series that finally came in on hold at the library for me. The series ended up being wonderful and left room for the author to continue on with the story and still make the 5th book feel like a conclusion. A feat I'm sure most authors cannot accomplish. Looking forward to July I grabbed a couple of books out of the "teen" section for some fun summery type reading. Didn't bother looking up reviews on these either just saw the pretty covers and interesting titles and picked them up. Hopefully they are bearable (HaHa) and I will be pleasantly surprised. I picked up the "Starcrossed Series" that way and ended up LOVING the books. Were in full swing summer over here and Little John is loving the library and the summer reading program again I hope his love of books sticks...as a child I was a pain in the butt with reading. The only book that broke through my stubbornness was Super Fudge (on another long drive to and from Maine) and then eventually at 18 I discovered Harry Potter and never looked back! Here's what I read in June and I LOVED LOVED LOVED every book :)

Quintana Of Charyn (Lumatere Chronicles #3) by Melina Marchetta Conclusion to my second favorite series. Second only to Harry Potter. The book was heartbreaking and suspenseful. The ending exactly what I wanted. I tell everyone I know about these books starting with the first book Finnikin of the Rock I just love this series so much!

DarkFever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie Moning- Started this series after seeing a high rating from
Book Chick City. If you like anything supernatural with adventure and a kick ass heroine you will love this book. I couldn't put them down and finished the series in a week.
Bloodfever (Fever #2) by Karen Marie Moning
Faefever ( Fever #3) Karen Marie Moning
Dreamfever (Fever #4) Karen Marie Moning

Shadowfever (Fever #5) Karen Marie Moning
Playing Dead by Julia Heaberlin- This was a quick read....a book I stumbled upon in the adult fiction section at the library. I love mysteries and this one had you hanging on until the final pages.
Unleashed (The Wolf Spring Chronicles #1) by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie
An unexpected beaut I stumbled upon. Not perfect but I love a good werewolf story. Now if the library had the second book in the series. Ugh that's annoying!
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